Serving first generation college students at Lipscomb means ensuring program success every semester. These barriers and recommendations will help shape the ongoing planning and programming for this student program through the Academic Success Center.
- Perception of program to all Lipscomb students- participation encouraged from all student types and backgrounds, increased diversity of participants
- Financial means/costs- limited funds through ACS, need to identify alternate source to grow program
- Definition of first generation college student within Lipscomb community- unified definition of a first generation college student needs to be determined and communicated to several important offices including financial aid, admissions, Academic Success Center, etc.
- Family involvement- incorporating families in to programming and sharing milestones
- Student clubs/organizations joining forces to encourage and support the participation of one or more groups, including the first generation college student program
- Expanding community partners- promoting college access by matching services with other partners that can work alongside this program. These partners will help reach a larger audience. Creating partnerships with elementary/middle schools and encouraging current first generation college students to work with younger students to share experiences.
- Fund-raising efforts- sharing vision of program to the Office of Development. Working to identify donors that would support a first generation college student program and using those funds to help support staff, as well as providing a financial incentive for student involvement. Developing funds that are not dependent on government dollars, like TRIO grants, but are raised within the Lipscomb community and through private donors. Incorporating alumni groups to contribute towards program and receive some form of recognition for monetary gifts.
- Recruitment strategies- raising awareness to all students, faculty, and staff, and making sure the program perception is positive. Helping Lipscomb community to understand what it means to be a first generation college student. Providing training to faculty and staff about new program and some of the challenges these students face. Re-visioning strategies with Admissions and Financial Aid to develop scholarships that might provide funding for the students or program.
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